tie dye icon

Better World main menu.

Helping people main menu.

What are you unhappy with the world about?


(If just one thing, please adapt the following instructions accordingly.)

OBJECTIVE : Very concise and effective presentation/organization of the following information publicly posted on the internet. Text is preferred, including with other media (transcription of a video for example).

A prioritized list of everything, or the most significant things.

For each item (text or link) :

How can others connect with you?

Identification of yourself, or if a group, the group and it's members.

And nice, is also information about the documentation - when last edited or checked for currency and validity; author, translator(s); how to contact the person(s) currently responsible for maintaining the document(s).

See also the topics problems and issues, and problem-issue, especially on a per item (as above) basis.

(Maybe also useful is Fejj's better world topic template instructions.)

See also the topic information for other details/suggestions on sharing information.

As this site is further developed...

Members and groups of this site can organize the problems and issues they are concerned with, and their efforts, if any, about those.

Visitors can browse through, or search for, sets of problems and issues as provided by members and groups here, and external to here when the information is available. This will include conglomerated information, well defined and abstract, such as geographic regions, and social networks. Additionally, as provided from various external groups such as governments, clubs, and organizations.

Also, a system for comparing will be provided. For members and groups of this site, this will also be a means for fine-tuning their own lists.

Enter a reference about someone unhappy with the world...


Name :

Your Email address :
(Email address will not be display, or given to anyone else probably. Used only for administration, hopefully. (see usage agreement))

This is about :

Members unhappy with the world...


Submitted links of others.

    Review further - looks interesting
    Review further - questionable


These submitted pages of people unhappy with the world have been reviewed and are considered to possibly contain information worth reviewing. Or are just very clear and organized examples.







Notice: There is no data.

Review further - looks interesting







Notice: There is no data.

Review further - questionable







Notice: There is no data.


(This data is for logged-in members viewing only.)


These submissions were rejected for one or more of many different reasons. Some reasons can be, for example, spam, URL failed when reviewing, unclear or mis-information, or just does not fit in this place.

(This data is for logged-in members viewing only.)

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