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Better World main menu.

Helping people main menu.

In this page....

    Why stories...
    If you need help now...
    Kinds of stories.
    How to submit.
    Children and dependent people.
    Submit a story.

Why stories...

The gathering of stories is important because this information can be used in later stages of development of solutions.

Even if you feel your story, or that of which you know from someone else, is just typical, the information is still valuable. The details can be examined, and used to find solutions. And even if an exact parallel of another case already processed, and so there are no new results, then at least that story will count in gathering of solid valuable statistical information.

Even if it is too late to help the person(s) in the story, this is important to be able to prevent that others end up in the same or a similar situation.

Extreme stories can be painful of course just to think about, let alone write up. But important is to think - even if it is painful for you, is it not better to prevent that others have to experience the same?

Short newspaper articles are welcome, but more useful is detailed documentation. With an overview/summary and indication of any categories to use in filing is very useful.

Eventually the same situation or story told from different perspectives will be linked together. And it will be easy to locate different kinds of stories from among your friends, family, community, etc.

If you need help now...

If you need help now, you can best look further. Come back here later though. We can use the story.

This site is not really complete yet to efficiently help. For now, see the topic help request or funding request. Also, there is a bit more explanation in the topic Helping People.

Kinds of stories.

Of interest is people who have, or had, one or more possibly solvable problems. Causes, efforts to prevent, resolve, etc.

This includes all forms of criminality, abuse (esp. child abuse), misuse, and so on.

Also of interest - financial problems and so on :


Insurance problems, when should have gotten coverage right away and didn't ever get, or had to fight for it.

Court awards never got and why didn't get, or the excuses why anyway.

Other compensation should have been able to legally receive but did not.

Innocent people accused of crimes, by "error" or frame up. Degree of damage : life destroyed, life damaged but recoverable, life inconvenienced and reparations therefore....

For those later freed of the false accusation, how was their life reconstructed, financially and socially; how clear is made of the factual innocence.

People forced to participate in crime/military, by way of direct slavery or threats, threats on family/friends, and so on. People brainwashed into participating.

How to submit.

The best is a publicly posted story on the internet. Then you can submit the link below. Later there will be other ways of sharing a story.

If you want to keep the story secret, but get it in the systems here, use this approach. Make a public version (or versions), where the information that needs to be kept secret is omitted or altered, and then a secret version that contains all the true information. Then share the first version publicly, and the second keep and share carefully with selected others. Later this site will be able to handle secretive information very effectively, not only including securely so no unauthorized access is gained, but also with clear status of who has access (and has accessed), and easy control of access.

In each case (fully public or secretive), there are two versions possible. The first is what we are initially looking for, primarily factual information. The second is then the same, maybe less details on facts, but then with other content and especially the emotional content - how terrible, how you felt, and so further. Both versions are useful in different ways.

Children and dependent people.

Children and people dependent on others watch out with supplying your story. Think carefully, if that might be a problem. If so, maybe it is better to keep it a secret and share it carefully. And watch out that others that you don't want get to your story. A public version as described above is maybe possible, and we can use it. But important is take care of yourself, so if it might be dangerous better is not post publicly for the sake of this site. It is possible to write your story on the internet and share with us without that others find out, but that is difficult. Later we will explain how that is possible.

Submit a story.

Enter below the URL (web link) and related information to a story that is not listed in stories.

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