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One important thing that is buried in the links somewhere is the "master plan". Just to describe it quickly here - behind all of the efforts was to use the human ego to get people to compete with each other on the basis of being less of a part of problems and issues, and working on solving them. This is becoming increasingly clearly impossible - the human brain has very little empathy and the human ego is too deeply ingrained in just enjoying life and improving their own personal world - to be able to switch priority to others, especially in the far future.

Project fej is a comprehensive effort to resolve or minimize, as much as possible, as many issues and problems worldwide, as is possible. Larger scale issues and problems threatening the survival of mankind are priority.

It consists of many sub-plans, and various parts woven in at many points and levels.

For an overview description, see about.

In this page :

    Project parts.
        Website fej.org.
    (old) General plan.

Project parts.

These are just a few of the various major parts of the project plus related commentary.

Some of the smaller detailed parts of the project can be found in the topic project elements.

website fej.org
internet portal for the project, the social network, and all related information
networking network of people wanting and/or working on a better world
expertise in improving the world focus is supporting and organizing efforts to improve the world
social modeling
processes and tools for planning and predicting results of efforts
issues organizing; defining; prioritizing (see problems)
efforts researching; cataloging; evaluating; monitoring
effects measuring; monitoring; feedback
information matrix gathering; organizing; connecting; improving flow; feedback
processes determining need; defining; creating
solutions finding; inspiring; creating
misinformation isolating; eliminating effects from
ideas registering; inspiring; spreading; analyzing; placing
victims giving a voice, preventing new, helping existing (see stories)
organized; world-wide; help even a little; virtual
direction of mankind changing
interests, efforts, ideas, plans, tools & technology, resources, brainpower, funding

Additional parts of project fej include new powerful software technologies, processes, and plans for managing information and resources. Although the objective of these items is to support achieving the objectives of project fej, they will also greatly enhance daily life for everyone.

Website fej.org.

This is just one part of the entire project, but the most visible, and provides an interface and work area for the other parts of project fej.

Providing a place for individuals concerned about any issue to find the most information on that issue easily, including up-to-date status information, and especially what they can do themselves and supporting efforts. And then further track their effort and the results, and their impact. Effectively building up and managing a world improvement portfolio. The portfolio then can be easily embedded in other websites and pages, and not only allow for showing, but allow for encouraging others to join in or help. The systems, and the portfolio, can be just one issue/problem, but is hoped that people will quickly expand into more.

Providing a place where an individual can research an effort, and obtain professional evaluations, history, current progress, future steps in the plan, and similar information. Further, a person can investigate who in their social network is participating in, or supporting an effort. Professional evaluations can include information about the likelihood of success, and determinations of efficiency (how much money is going into profit and people's pockets, how much actually is working to achieve goal).

Additionally, efforts can be compared and followed. New efforts can be designed and started, using the tools, plans, ideas, and other resources gathered.

Guiding individual and group actions, even on the smallest level of interest and participation, to support the goals and efforts of the project or at least not interfere with them.

Providing a place to register and record what is being done to solve and which issue(s)/problem(s). To not only provide recognition for the efforts, present day and into the future, but also as a framework for providing encouragement for others. Insuring needed resources are made available to the correct efforts to provide an overall highly effective result. And also spreading information to allow full advantage to be taken from every good idea. This includes being less of a part of the problem as well as being part of or creating a solution.

Providing a place for ideas, thoughts, questions, and comments relating to improving the world. Especially that ideas will quickly be seen by the people most interested in that area, and can be easily adopted, worked on, and executed as appropriate. Without endless duplication, conflicts, and the like.


Networking individuals together who are interested and willing to work to develop and use problem solving processes and tools, in the human psychological sphere, to generate ideas to support or create efforts.

Forming a base for a complex brainstorming system and effort. Participation will be very easy and can be just a small bit up to deeply involved, allowing for everyone to join in.

Additionally, developing processes and tools designed to generically be used in resolving issues and problems.

Finally networking together those interested in similar goals.

(old) General plan.

This is an old note, and will be refined and possibly integrated in other text later.

1. gather people & build networks of people interested in improving the world
   focus on project and multi-problem solve
   focus on specific problems

2. organize into : departments (groups, and a group for project itself, and for each problem, as appropriate) :
   problem definitions
   research : information gathering causes and factors of problem
   root cause analysis
   research : possible solutions gather and organize
   brainstorming : think up all other possible solutions
     (this effort is continuous)
   group decision making + individual : which focus on
     focus resources on group's decision
     support others working on other decisions, but not focus
   brainstorming : more solutions, evaluation (potential problems) of current efforts
   (for each department : determine needed skills, job descriptions, tasks, etc.)
   publish progress and counter efforts, and own counter effects

3. build and improve processes and administration

4. promotion, network expansion

5. celebrate milestone progress, problem solved


Also, try reading this short parital description of part of the project.

www.fej.org           project           contact           topics

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