Coming soon - check back frequently. Until this site is fully functional, please post your opinions on your favorite social networking sites / blogging sites, and so on.If you have opinions that you are reluctant to post because they are too controversial or would complicate your personal life, then write those up (or video them), and be prepared. When this site is functional, support for sharing your opinions and avoiding problems or complications as a result will be available, and you undoubtly will quickly want to share.
Fejj has a large number of thoroughly thought out and often different from most opinions. These, along with much other unrelated information has been taken off line temporarily while focusing on the project, and to avoid distraction. Over time, more and more opinions will be released on the DVD and mostly also posted here.
Fejj says :
Write it up and post it.If you don't want to share your opinion with the world, then your opinion is too weak or unimportant for me to care.
These have been reviewed and considered to possibly be of some value.
Opinion Topic
Opinion Subject
Notice: There is no data.
These submissions were rejected for one or more of many different reasons. Some reasons can be, for example, spam, URL failed when reviewing, unclear or mis-information, or just does not fit in this place. Also, perceived possible major flaws, or expected greater counter effects, or simply goals are wrong (i.e. immoral).