What are your goals in life? (And links to those of others you know.) What help could you use in trying to reach your goals?
Please share to this topic. And also any instructions, category lists, etc.
The value of sharing is to help others coordinate their efforts, avoid duplication hopefully, and get assistance in reaching your goals.
Further, especially for larger goals - by publicly documenting you enable that someone else can carry on your work if it should become necessary. A lot of value in sharing all of your work. Even failures help, by sharing everything, that enable others to look for how work around problems encountered.
achievedworking on itnot likely to achievefailed
seems not possibleones given up (old age)ones given up (other reasons)ones lost due to abuse
personal (enjoying life)world improvement (changing things large scale, long term)help others (significant efforts beyond normal common activities)
startingfinishing startingfinishedon goingholdplanningconnectingexpandingpartnering