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Champion (temporary) : Fejj :  global warming

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Sharing suggestions.

Do you think global warming is occurring or not, maybe, don't know, or don't care?

If you think it is not - do you think the average temperature on earth is about the same or cooler than in the past? Why do you think there is so much information saying the average temperature on earth is rising?

If you think it is - do you think mankind is playing a role, small, large, or not at all (it's naturally occurring)? What are your future predictions? What do you think would happen if mankind, if playing a role, suddenly completely stopped polluting the air - average temperature would stop rising immediately, suddenly drop, or continue to increase although at a slower rate, or what?

And please share all of your research material, thoughts, resources, and so on.

I'm interested in milestones in particular, at the moment. By these I mean things that will happen in the future that we can guess at what year. Apparently some groups have us already past a milestone of "extinction started" or something. That is to say they are counting heat related deaths as a result of global warming.

Based on activities of mankind, I would say we've reached a milestone already of "Oh. Maybe there is something wrong.". At best.

Couple of articles on cnn.com or somewhere (I'll find and post on my page later) are using 2050 and percentage of the population extinct by global warming.

I'm thinking of like :

"Half of all cities larger than ... are experiencing record breaking highs each year."

"Climate refugees out number all other forms of refugees combined."

"All hell breaks loose."  Maybe something like that.

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