This page will be a browseable listing of everything tagged activity, organized and sortable.
For members logged in, this will include by friends, family, neighborhood, etc.
Guests logged in have access to more material, and some but fewer management and publishing capabilities than members.
Activities is just an abstract category for anything people do basically. Tied to effects of those activities, positive and negative, of intended and unintended consequences. To be used in social modeling, analysis, plans, solutions, etc.
These have been reviewed and considered to possibly be of some value.
Activity Name
Notice: There is no data.
These submissions were rejected for one or more of many different reasons. Some reasons can be, for example, spam, URL failed when reviewing, unclear or mis-information, or just does not fit in this place. Also, perceived possible major flaws, or expected greater counter effects, or simply goals are wrong (i.e. immoral).